Eisenhower Expressway: Chicago I-290

Current FAQs

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  • When is a noise analysis required?
  • What is evaluated to determine if a noise wall is warranted?
  • How are noise level changes perceived?
  • What is considered a noise impact? What is considered a substantial noise reduction?
  • Why isn't noise abatement designed to reduce noise levels below the NAC?
  • What is the process for a noise wall?
  • How will IDOT determine where to build noise walls?
  • How do changes in traffic or roadway characteristics affect noise levels?
  • What will the noise walls look like?
  • Where would noise walls be constructed on the Eisenhower Expressway?
  • Can trees/vegetation be planted to help reduce noise levels?
  • When are interior noise levels and impacts assessed?
  • What section of I-290 is being studied?
  • What is the process for determining the overall improvements for I-290?
  • What opportunities are there for public input into the study?
  • What are the transportation needs in the I-290 corridor?
  • Can transit improvements address the problems of the I-290 corridor?
  • How were alternatives developed?
  • How are environmental factors being considered?
  • Will improvements to bicycle and pedestrian accommodations in the study area, especially access to transit stations, be included with the I-290 reconstruction?
  • Why are left-hand ramps a safety concern?
  • What are the findings of the CTA Blue Line Vision Study?
  • What is the preferred alternative?
  • What are the benefits of the preliminary preferred alternative?
  • How will the project be constructed?
  • Is funding available for the project?
  • What has been the national experience with managed lanes?
  • Who can I contact about this study?